Meet Michelle

As you know, I am the Real Housewife of Business. Many of my days are spent as an Personal Shopper, Banker, Mediation Specialist, Chef, Maid, Driver and any other job that is required. If you are like me and need a flexible career, this blog is for you. I will keep you posted on all the TV Reality Series we love and welcome you into my business world.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Award Winning Legacy

Hey Everyone,

I have had some new challenges in the last few weeks.  I went to an amazing business conference in Las Vegas for Pro Elite and was blown away by all the awesome leaders and information.

Last night, I attended a Hall of Fame event for my father.  I wasn't born when he achieved all of his accolades in life.  I asked him if he felt validated after winning this award for outstanding coaching, "I just tried to do my best and take care of my family."

Isn't that what we are all trying to do in our life.  I just want to be the best wife and mother I can be and allow the rest to follow.

Many of us mothers put ourselves last and everything else first.  I encourage us to try to build the legacy we can be proud of for years to come.

I encourage all of you to take a leap of faith in yourself and make a bold step that will build your life legacy.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dancing, Dreaming and Dedication

Well, well, well Dancing With The Stars fans.  What do I say?  I am disappointed at the most recent castaways, but on voting shows that is how it works.  I find that everyone has the same thing to say about that show, "I would do it again in a heartbeat."

I attribute that to what people learn about themselves when put in a strenuous situation.  It teaches us what we are made of and how much we can grow.  Recently, I have been putting my best foot forward in our business.  There has been so many times that I wanted to quit, due to fear and lack of confidence in myself.    Yesterday, I listened to founder of our company tell his story and rise to financial freedom.  My understanding is that the money isn't really the issue anymore but his ability to help others succeed from his leadership.

I know that I am a good person to lead others to find their success story.  I visualize myself on a stage somewhere telling my story to a room of hopefuls.  This weekend is going to be phenomenal and I can't wait to hear more stories and learn more about how to grow my business.

If you are tired of your situation and know that you are worth more, look outside of your comfort zone and reach for that mirror ball trophy of your own.  Whether you are dancing with the stars or building a business online, life challenges those who look for the opportunity.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sisterhood and Life

What about that Dancing with the Stars last night!!  I am loving the dancers this season.  I wasn't sad to see Elisabetta Canalis go last night.  I don't know how to describe it, but she wasn't doing it for me. Anyways, I think Chaz might need to go next.  I know, but I am just saying....

The reason I am posting today is to discuss success both your personal life and business.  Most people discuss those two topics as separate entities.  I personally have seen those two things come together in my world.  As you know, I am a stay at home mom of two and recently started an online marketing business.

After my grandmother died last year, I really started looking into what my life is all about.  I never knew myself to have this drive to do something grand or a hunger for a career.  I love being with the kids and I love working and socializing with people too.

I came across an old childhood friends website portfolio today.   I am really proud and inspired by her success.  She was always the girl you knew would do cool things in her life.  I had fun reading her blog and realized that we are all the same.

This is another girlfriend of mine from my hometown

As women and mothers, we want others to empathize with our pain and struggles.  There is a great community of women online that are sharing their highs and lows of life with the world.  I feel so inspired to share this great gift of motherhood with women as well.

So pay it forward and share your story of inspiration or determination with someone today.  This type of sisterhood can bring us together.

Love ya all

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

How To Be A Good Housewife

Hey Everyone,

Wow, where have I been?  Well, let's see, the kids broke the TV in my room and my husband and I managed to break our laptop the same night.  Talk about some good luck.  Now that all of that chaos is out of the way, I can focus on my blogging, business and family.

I am so stoked that Dancing With The Stars is back on for season 13.  I love the hype the show has created out of nothing.  The cast is great and I am really pulling for Ricki Lake.  She was great on her talk show back in the day.  Tell me what you might think of the cast and your favorites.  Every season of DWTS, I perform my best dance performances for my husband just to make him laugh.  I do feel that somewhere deep inside I am a dancer.

Let's discuss this weirdy housewife from DC.  This lady is in another planet.  She floats through life with the motto "ignorance is bliss" and that estranged husband of hers.  Wow!  I will stop there before I really unload.

Most importantly, I had revelation this last week.  In order to be a good housewife, I have to take care of myself.  This sounds lame but it is really true.  This past year has been challenging both personally and professionally.  I realized that I continually placed myself last in the line-up.  Ladies need to take notice of this behavior because what you think is the right way is all wrong.

  • Create a routine
  • Take care of yourself and appearance
  • Develop a hobby or group to take part in
  • Listen to your needs ie: time alone, exercise...
Trust me...I used to ignore all of these things because I thought that meant you were being selfish.  What I realized is that it is more selfish to lay your depression or sadness on everyone around you.  

I want anyone reading today to promise to take care of you!!  Your family will thank you.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Back to School and Back to Reality

As a child, I always remember back to school being so exciting.  My children are young, although, I feel that excitement for them.  We start our first real school day tomorrow and I am already anxious.  This is bittersweet but necessary.  I just wanted to reach out to all the first timers who have stayed at home with the kids and are experiencing some slight anxiety this week.

We will survive and so will the kids!!!  Stay in touch with what is important in your life and take a load off.

Most importantly, just kidding, The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has begun.  I found the episode not to disappoint last night.  I felt terrible for Taylor, who lost her husband to suicide, and the guilt that leaves with all surviving family.  The show is going to be better than ever with all the drama from the ladies.

Lastly, Dancing with the Stars cast has been revealed.  I am so excited for the show to begin.  The casting department made a real controversial move casting Chaz Bono.  I find no issue with having him as a cast member.  Chaz comes from one of the most famous entertainment backgrounds and seems like a good person.  I really wish that we would stop being afraid of diversity in this country.  Who are we to say what you should look like or feel like in this world.  Grow up people and show some compassion.  My children love to watch the show with me and will continue to throughout this season.  

I think the fall line up of shows are going to be great, as well as, our new school year.  Stay tuned and feel free to subscibe to this blog and enjoy all the craziness I will be reporting.

Stay at Home Mom Business Opportunity - Classified Ad

Stay at Home Mom Business Opportunity - Classified Ad

Monday, August 29, 2011

Dancing With The Stars new hopefuls

I can hardly wait to find out the new "Dancing With The Stars" cast for the fall.  They are naming the new self-tanning and man heels wearing hopefuls tonight.  I want you all to know that we can expect an older character, a hot young hopeful and always the athlete.

I have to admit, last season I thought I wanted Ralph or Kirstie to take the mirror ball.  After watching faithfully, I started routing for Hines Ward.  He was so dedicated and sweet to his dance partner.  It is always a crap shoot but completely entertaining.

My husband surprised me last year by taking me to a taping.  It was so much fun.  At that point, I had not been on a date alone with my husband for four years.  We got dressed up and watched the taping.  Behind the studio, is the Grove shopping center and famous for star spottings.  We ate an elegant French dinner and met some stars from the HGTV channel.  It was an incredible night.  I encourage others to follow suit.

Be sure to follow the show and have fun with it!